Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It's been a while..

It's been almost 3 months since I last blogged.. Ah, the days, how fast they've gone. What have I been up to? Let's recap: 1) Exams, 2) Melbourne Trip, 3) Farewells

Yes, yes, 1) is a pain the arse, but a "necessary" evil if you must. I'm mostly worried about my further maths, and reasonably comfortable with the rest of them, bar psychology. I just fucked up that paper so bad. Sigh. Ah well, whatever the case, I'll presume I can get enough points off the mark scheme for a B.

As for the Melbourne trip, it was very extrinsically pleasing, but not very intrinsically satisfying. I sort of regret going to Melbourne. Really, after hearing what happened at second prom, I should have skipped Melbourne in favour of DRINKING! YES! Drinking. A good ol' past time of people. :>

Finally, farewells.. A lot of people come and go, sometimes it's easier to say goodbye than hello, but not all the time. Some people I know and cherish quite well are leaving for their universities in Australia, or USA, or whatever country they're going to. Quite upsetting actually since most of the people I've said my goodbyes to, I'm quite close with. Tomorrow, JA is leaving. A few days ago, JarJar, and before that, Steven Tan, and before that, Jason Lew. Sad, it is, but forgotten, they shall not be.

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