Monday, April 27, 2009

My Exam Timetable

This is more of a note for me than an actual post, as I apologise due to the massive work they like to shove down my throat.

11/5/09 - Computing Unit 1 @ 16:00
15/5/09 - AS Psychology - Paper 1 @ 08:00, English Lang Paper 2 @ 13:00, Computing Unit 2 @ 16:00
19/5/09 - AS Psychology - Paper 2 @ 13:00
20/5/09 - Maths C1 @ 20:30
21/5/09 - Physics Unit 1 @ 20:30
22/5/09 - English Lang Paper 1 @ 13:00, Maths C2 @ 16:00
01/6/09 - Maths C4 @ 16:00
05/6/09 - Physics Unit 2 @ 16:00, Maths C3 @ 20:30
11/6/09 - Mechanics 1 @ 16:00
15/6/09 - Statistics 1 @ 20:30
17/6/09 - Decision Maths 1 @ 16:00

Go me!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Amelia femilia(?)

No idea what that second word means but it sounds cool. Anyway, it's Ame's 18th today.

Happy birthday Ame : )

Saturday, April 18, 2009

18th on the 18th

How splendid! An 18th birthday on the 18th day.

Happy birthday Lys : )


(lack of pics LOL)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


So. In spite of doing my piles of math homework(which I should be doing LOL), I am instead pondering.

Anette Olzon. Or Kwon Yuri? : ( It's so hard to decide. Of course people who have read my blogs in the past before have probably heard of Anette Olzon, but here's Kwon Yuri... of Girls' Generation!(as well as the other 8 girls :D:D:D:D:D)

A better pic:

Now here's the great Anette Olzon who I pretty much put on a pedestal above every other woman(before):

The ultimate question: Which of the two girls above is the better one? :(?!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I'm on a ROLL today with this paint magic.


I'm sure many of you recognise this photo, if not, it was part of a photo taken by Ruby during Gary's farewell party. I know she doesn't read this blog but anyway she's the best! : D

So, I was bored After finishing the mocks yesterday, I decided to take the rest of this schooling week not doing any homework till the weekend. I deserve it!

: D

In other news, never put me, paint and a strange imagination together:

I was thinking: How would I look like with a beard/moustache/sideburns or ALL THREE?!


Paint owns.

The original picture is courtesy of Nathaniel though. It was the only one I found where I didn't dodge the camera. Or at least had a decent sized face in it. LOL

Sunday, April 5, 2009

And the rest of it..

Lawl the pics. They are inclusive of me! Actually I don't do this at ALL but because this new graphics card was so fuckin' awesome, I decided it was well worth it.